Our Activities
To share the importance and benefits of dietary supplements to health promotion and disease prevention, our company is dedicated to organizing public health seminars from time to time and has been supporting the Continuing Medical Education (CME) symposiums for different medical associations such as The Society of Physicians of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Nutritionist Association, Hong Kong Dietitian Association, Pharmacy Central Continuing Education Committee and Hong Kong Chiropractors Association.

Scientific Symposium

"The synergistic action of dietary FA and medication in the treatment of chronic diseases and cancer" &
"Dietary Fatty acids: Insights & Controversies" — by HKNA, HKDA, PCCC
(18 & 25 June 2008)
continuing medical education seminar

"Advances In Clinical Medicine"— by The Society of Phsyicians HK (2 Dec 2007)
CME seminar

Public Talk

Non-drug therapy: Get rid of the pain trouble — 2007
health seminar

Effectiveness of diet and nutrition in prevention and treatment of lung cancer —2006
cancer public seminar